Facebook for Retailers Infographics

Facebook for Retailers

Facebook for Retailers

If you’re not right out there, on the leading edge of technology…and some of us aren’t, then this complimentary report is perfect for you.

You’ll learn why it’s so important that you have a Facebook page and how it can be used to work for you; to get more visibility for your business and to start building a community around your brand/product/service.

Retailer’s opinions and results are a mixed bag. There are success stories and there are retailers that gave up on Facebook claiming that it wasn’t worth the effort.

The fact that Facebook has over a billion registered users and half of them are on Facebook at least once a day makes this phenomenon an attractive vehicle for retailers to at least investigate.

The report below gives you a summary understanding of what needs to be done and how to approach this channel to get some meaningful results.

Additionally, ability to be able to open up a store front free of charge is also very attractive.

You probably feel, by now, that Facebook is a social networking tool that you can learn to use to your best advantage. It’s a no cost tool that’s easy to use and does not have to consume a lot of time.

Read all about it in this well written report. It’s an easy read and it will definitely give you some great tips.

This report, compliments of DMSRetail, is available for download below after the Retail Business and Facebook Infographics:

Drive Local Traffic with Facebook

Facebook for Retailers Report

In this report, you’re going to find out:

  • Why it’s beneficial for your business to have a presence on Facebook
  • Recent changes to Facebook pages
  • How to best get your message out to customers

Download the Report


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