This guide Winning at Store Management will show you how to maximize your success in the most important areas of your store management.
You’ll learn techniques on hiring the best people, training and motivating them to achieve great results and managing hours in the store to achieve maximum effectiveness. These are very important skills you can bring to a store management role and Winning at Store Management is exactly the tool you need.
Your people represent you and your company to customers and prospective customers. Just how well are they doing at that?
You want to have confidence that your employees are always doing an incredible job…not just when you are in the store.
“Discover How to Hire Quality Staff, Train and Motivate Them Well, Manage Your Time / Hours Effectively and Make Your Store a Success Machine!”
Hiring the right people is crucial to your success.
You absolutely must have people who can help you get the desired results.
They have to be able to make a meaningful, quantifiable contribution to the performance of your store.
To move up in the organization, Store Manager has to get attention and recognition from top management.
Great people will help you to showcase your talents while achieving your objectives. It’s a win-win situation all around.
If you are a Store Manager you need great people. It’s a fact.
This program will give you easy-to-use tools that will ensure you hire the right people every time and it will give you concrete ways to motivate them.
By following a few simple steps you’ll be on your way to having the best staff in the industry.
“Winning at Store Management” includes a step-by-step approach to hiring top performers.
But hiring and motivating GREAT PEOPLE is only part of your success.
You want to train them and make sure they know what is expected of them so that you have the comfort of knowing that all of your people are moving in the same direction; the comfort of knowing that your store is always in safe hands.
This guide will teach you how to ensure that happens. With DMSRetail’s training plan, you won’t have to worry about fitting in the training time.
The program is made to work with your time constraints and your hour control or wage cost plan. The time and money you save on training is a bonus.
This is a training program that fits your ‘budget’. Let’s face it, you have a limited number of staff hours available to use.
It’s up to you to use those hours in the most productive way possible. With this guide you’ll receive tools to make training fit into your schedule effortlessly.
You won’t believe how easy it is! Your new people will learn how to do their job, how to conduct themselves in an exemplary fashion and how to succeed.
That’s an achievement to be proud of.
Imagine that you have the best people and they are fully trained and ready to succeed…
In addition to hiring top performers, training them well and preparing them for success, the task of managing your hours and the many changing priorities you have every day is incredibly important.
You’ll easily rise to the challenge with the skills you’ll develop by reading and applying “Winning at Store Management”.
You’ll effectively manage every hour, every day, every week and so on.
Planning and managing your time will make a huge difference to the level of success you will achieve.
With this guide, you’ll become highly effective at managing every day and will even start to do some long range planning.
That’s a skill that will earn you a lot of respect from your executive.
Top management wants people who can look ahead with concrete plans for increasing their business. People who do this move up in the organization!
DMSRetail’s “Winning at Store Management” was designed by retail experts.
Their experience on the sales floor, at store and district management levels and as members of the executive teams for a number of successful, prominent retail companies…from apparel to electronics to confections and computer hardware/software…has provided them with an immense amount of knowledge in the retail management field.
Hiring Aces
What to look for in a Candidate Before the Interview
Preparation… the pre-interview stage
Interview Questions / Scenarios
Acceptable Responses
The Aces You Already Employ are the Key
How to determine if candidate possesses the Right traits/behaviors:
Motivating Your “Aces”
Additional Resources
Training the Best
Set up the Buddy System
Self Study
Follow up
Mastering the ‘One on One’ Method
Standards and Expectations
The Sales Meeting as an Effective Training Tool
Topics for Sales Meetings
Managing Your Hours
Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan
The Daily News
Personal Organizer/Date Book
Communication Center
The Management Communication Book
Time Management – Top Time Wasters
Costing the Schedule
Examples of very bad scheduling
Adjustments to the Schedule
Long Range Planning
Here is what some of our customers said:
“I was so excited to receive the orders when I got home I have opened and printed them up. I will order the other books as I need them. They are excellent” Bev Holmes, Store Manager
“Thank you so much. You have wonderful resources and I also enjoy your newsletter. Keep up the good work!” Ken Cooper, Regional Manager
You’ll be thrilled with what you read and you won’t be able to wait to get started applying what you’ve learned.
Apart from achieving better performance in your store, you can also count on earning more money, gaining more respect from your peers and higher management, feeling a higher level of job satisfaction, and taking pride in your profession.
This guide will simplify your professional life and give you solutions to your worst job related headaches.
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Winning at Store Management
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