Partner Business

Become a DMSRetail Partner Business

Become a DMSRetail Partner Business and put your retail experience and business acumen to work for you… not someone else.

Join our network of dynamic individuals and groups going all out to help make retailers successful…worldwide.

Sales Tips and Customer Feedback


  • Excellent potential for this online and offline business.
  • Strong portfolio of customers, worldwide.
  • Founded in 1991.
  • Strong web presence since 2003.
  • Minimal Investment
  • Supported by Retail Experts with over 135 years of combined experience in various management and executive positions.
  • Customers from 28 countries, all over the world.


Why Invest?

  • 6 Separate Revenue Streams
  • Low Investment.
  • No Royalties – You keep 100% of all revenue.
  • No Advertising Funds Collected.
  • High Margin Products.
  • Great Support from Successful Retail Experts and Administrative and Technical Personnel.
  • Ongoing Product Development.
  • Website provided.
  • DMSRetail’s Excellent Reputation All Over the World.
  • In Most Cases, Full Payback in Less than 3 Months*.
  • Territories Available, Worldwide, starting at as low as $15,000.

*Depends on the Partner’s commitment, willingness and desire to achieve

For further information and/or an Application for your own DMSRetail Partner Business, please send inquiries to:

Be sure to advise us which country or territory you are interested in so we can provide you with a quote for the investment required.

Owning a DMSRetail Partner Business

If you’re watching what’s going on around the world you must have noticed how economies are changing.

While some are stagnant or, worse, hurtling toward the abyss, still others are coming on strong.

The world’s emerging markets will be following a road map as they move forward.

Much of that road map is modeled after what came before in Europe and North America.

There will be huge opportunities for all retail organizations and, also, to businesses supplying that industry.

As these markets start to boom, many retailers having already saturated their markets, will come from abroad and stores will spring up. Many of them already have.

Still other retailers will partner with local companies and hand over the operating manual and wish them well.

When an economy is strong, people have much greater opportunity to flourish. And when people flourish what do they do?

They buy more stuff…more goods and services. They try to improve their standard of living.

What we’ve seen in many countries is that stores, malls and shopping centers seem to suddenly appear out of nowhere…open for business just around the corner.

People start to shop.

In fact, shopping often becomes a form of entertainment, much as it was in the early days in North America and Europe.

The whole family goes to ‘the mall’ for a couple of hours in the evening, or for several hours on Saturday.

A meal, or at least refreshments at the food court, is a fun part of the day.

Shoppers will want to spend their money.

But what do the new retailers have to do to ensure they get their share of the newly found disposable income?

How do they ensure on – going prosperity?

Much like their counterparts in the west, they have to work continuously on upgrading the in-store experience for the shopper.

Converting shoppers into paying customers is not as easy as it sounds. And if it seems easy, then a lot of money is being left on the table. Guaranteed.

Converting shoppers into paying customers takes skill if it is to be done properly, and to the maximum benefit of the retailer.

But, how many people in emerging markets have these skills? And how do you get those who do have the skills to come and work for you?

How do you compensate them? How do you set individual targets to ensure your people are performing at the top end of the scale?

And, there are many more questions to be asked…and answered.

All of these questions are answered by DMSRetail Inc. and their Partner Businesses.

Think about what happens after a store is built, decorated, stocked and merchandised.

The doors open and, if you’re fortunate, shoppers come in to take a look at what you have that might appeal to them.

That’s when you, and your business, are at the absolute mercy of your customer facing, front line employees.

How can any retailer ignore the fact that retail talent is of huge importance?

We’re not talking about just anyone who can work in a retail store and perform tasks; we’re talking about talented people who can develop rapport with shoppers, who want to absorb every bit of product knowledge available, who want to model a sense of urgency, who want to lead and succeed.

These are the talented people retailers will need in order to prosper.

Talented retail people make the difference between a customer’s visit to a store and a customer’s overall shopping experience.

It’s the experience that’s needed to build a strong, loyal customer base.

It’s the loyal customer who’s the most profitable for the retailer. Without them, the money used to advertise and draw new customers into the store(s) would be less plentiful.

Far less plentiful.

So, if you’re a retailer planning to get up and running in an emerging market, what are you going to do to ensure you have this ‘critical differentiator’, this ‘core component to success’?

The answer is simple: hire talented individuals, with loads of potential, and train them well.

Actually, the same answer applies to retailers in the more developed markets, who might also be asking themselves that question.

Many retail organizations are going to need help with this.

All DMSRetail consultants are now, or have been, successful retailers.

As retail management consultants, they have traveled all over the world and have witnessed what happens when a retailer has failed to hire and train well.

What they see is, in some cases, a lovely, tidy store with several staff members who are standing somewhere.

Of course, they are usually willing to assist you if they are needed but, apart from that, they are simply the keepers of the shop, or security guards.

Part of the problem is that labor is very cheap in many countries. As a result, the store has no wage cost issues so lots of people can be hired to work in the store.

But personnel who are simply working in the store will not bring in the sales and profits to the levels needed to exceed targets and make the store a phenomenal success.

This is a perfect example of a case where you need quality over quantity. Retailer’s need quality employees, not just lots of employees.

To make the store a phenomenal success, you need talented people who are friendly, outgoing, knowledgeable, motivated and well trained in sales skills and store operations.

We are going worldwide, now, in our efforts to develop DMSRetail Partner Businesses.

In markets that are already enjoying success in retail and, in particular, those just now getting set to take off.

DMSRetail Inc. has tremendous value to add to retailers large and small. We’ve been presenting workshops, around the world, since 2008.

DMSRetail Partner Business

In cities across the USA and Canada to London, UK,

In Jeddah and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Dubai and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Sharm El Sheikh and Cairo, Egypt; Istanbul, Turkey; Maputo, Mozambique; Kampala, Uganda; Lagos, Nigeria; Cabo San Lucas, Mexico; Ocho Rios, Kingston Jamaica and the list goes on.

Now is the perfect time to get in on the opportunity we are offering to entrepreneurs everywhere.

Alone or in partnerships, you can start a successful on line and off line DMSRetail Partner Business.

We know the future is bright for the retail industry, particularly in certain countries suggested by ATKearney and others, and full of potential for those who want to help – want to add huge value – to new and existing retailers in their efforts to become successful in their markets.

We know there are talented people, in all of these markets, who just need some guidance from retail consultants to make them the best they can be…to make them talented retail people.

DMSRetail Inc. is seeking qualified Partner Businesses, around the globe, to spread the knowledge.

Now you can own a business that gets right to the heart of the matter; a business with a message that will speak volumes to the retail business owners who understand that the people they hire to work in their retail organization are “a critical differentiator” and a “a core component to success”.

Our experienced, successful retail consultants will provide you with everything you need to enjoy success and monetary rewards by offering training, consulting services, Success Guides and Self Study Courses to the millions of people who are ready to embark on a retail career and to those who are already working in retail, or running retail organizations.

The DMSRetail Inc. Partner Business program stands apart from the others, for the following reasons:

  • Low Investment Requirement
  • No Royalties
  • No Advertising Funds Collected
  • High Margin Products
  • Great Support from Successful Retail Experts and Administrative and Technical Personnel
  • Ongoing Product Development
  • Intensive Onboarding and Train the Trainer Program
  • Additional Training for New Product Launches
  • Full Support to Gain Retail Consulting Business & Assistance in the Delivery, Where Needed
  • Website provided
  • DMSRetail’s Excellent Reputation All Over the World
  • Quick Payback*
  • Worldwide Territories Available

*Depends on desire, willingness and commitment.

Here’s a comment from one of our business partners:

“First, our many thanks to you for the time we spent together during the training, especially the frank, insightful and wisdom filled discussions on how to operate the partner business. We are very excited to be working with great and wonderful people like you. ” ~ J.E.

We need to help the retailers in the world’s emerging markets…yesterday! Do you want to come onboard?

All the Success!


To get more information, please send an email to Info[at]


Some of Our Customers’ Organizations


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