How Can WOS Report Help?

Weeks of stock and district manager

The WOS report can be a great help for DM’s who want to be on top of their inventory picture, district wide. For a District Manager who regularly travels between different stores (and for Store Managers) the Weeks of Stock report can be a…

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Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Lifetime Value Prediction DMSRetail uses sophisticated predictive analytics to help retailers build Lifetime Value (LTV). Attrition and Retention scores for their customers, products or segments. Strategic deployment of these results are proven to reduce churn and increase marketing ROI across the most profitable…

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The Sales Floor Leader

The Sales Floor Leader

During the holidays you can expect to see heavier traffic volume in your store. This requires a different approach on the sales floor.  Often, during these busier times, customers outnumber associates. While it is a wonderful problem to have, there are certain things you…

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Retail Sales Management

Here are some snippets for you to consider, and expand on, to improve your retail sales management skills: People are your most important strategic advantage. If you look at other stores, for example, in a chain store environment all stores have similar if not…

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