How ThriftBooks is Using AI to Scale its Business

Retail Online Training

While at NRF 2024: Retail’s Big Show in New York City last week, Editor-in-Chief Joe Keenan interviewed Barbara Hagen, vice president of sales and marketing at ThriftBooks, an independent online used book seller, to discuss the company’s use of artificial intelligence. Hagen provides a brief overview of the company and discusses its growth over its 20 years of business. In addition, she discusses how ThriftBooks is using large language models (LLMs) to continue to scale the business, including expanding its product catalog and processing used books, matching customers with recommended books using first-party data, and improving the customer experience to win long-term loyalty. Lastly, Hagen discusses building a loyal customer community, engaging with that community through brand authenticity, and ThriftBooks’ plans for the new year.

Retail Online Training