151. How to Have Difficult Conversations with Good Staff

Retail Online Training

Apr 3, 2023

Show Notes:

Hard conversations can feel awkward. You like your
retail staff, but you have to bring up some things that are not
going right and need attention. Maybe you “let it go” and grit your
teeth. In today’s episode, we’re going to discuss a topic that many
of my clients face and some tips you can use to make these
conversations easier: how to have difficult conversations with good

Here are some key takeaways from this episode:

  • It’s essential to have policies
    and procedures in place, even if you have a small team. This will
    help you maintain a healthy work environment and avoid any
    misunderstandings. Do 

  • To start a difficult conversation,
    use these three sentences: 1) “Here’s what I would like you to stop
    doing,” 2) “Here’s what I would like you to start doing,” and 3)
    “Here’s what I would like you to keep doing.”

  • When addressing the issue, be
    specific, and clear, and provide examples. Offer solutions and
    reinforce positive behaviors.

  • If you’re struggling to find the
    right words or approach, seek guidance from a coach or mentor.

“You have to keep the ship upright. We have to keep
things moving smoothly, and you deserve to have a business being
run the way you want to run it. Your vision matters.” – Wendy

Remember that as a leader, you set the culture, and
it’s your responsibility to ensure that your team members are
meeting the standards you’ve established. Difficult conversations
may be uncomfortable, but they’re necessary for the success of your

Listen to the full episode for more details. Let’s
keep your retail shop a happy place for both you and your

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”
– Albert Einstein


If you are ready to level up your retail business join
the Retailer’s
Inner Circle or reach connect with Wendy for one on one
coaching here. 


Resources Mentioned:

Inner Circle

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Full show notes here https://wendybatten.com/151/




Retail Online Training