Lush faces backlash for “boycott Israel” sign in Dublin store

Retail Online Training


Lush has been criticised by shoppers after a “boycott Israel” sign was seen hanging on the window of one of its Dublin shops.

The cosmetics company suggested one of its staff members was responsible for the message at the Henry Street store.

Social media users expressed both outrage and support for the image, with some calling for a boycott of the retailer after a photo of the message was shared of X, formerly known as Twitter.

The retailer has not responded to enquiries on whether the sign has been taken down or if it has carried out disciplinary action, according to Sky News.

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In 2011, Lush was accused of anti-Israel sentiment after endorsing a song entitled “Freedom for Palestine”.

The business has also backed initiatives promoting peace and fair trade.

Lush told the publication: “We are a diverse company with staff of all ethnicities and religions whose personal views and opinions may vary, however, the following is our Company position: Lush deplores all violence and all injustice.

“Our wish is for peace and safety for all Israeli and Palestinian people. We support the upholding of international law and the human rights of all peoples.”

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